
FbF has three components that are summarized in Early Action Protocols (EAPs)

01 Region-specific “impact levels” are identified based on the detailed risk analysis of relevant natural hazards, impact assessments of past disaster events, and vulnerability data. A trigger model is subsequently developed according to an impact-based forecasting approach. It determines priority areas where the impact of an extreme weather event is anticipated to be most severe.
Early actions
02 A pre-agreed set of early actions will be implemented at the time of a triggering forecast, with the aim of reducing the impact of the predicted event on human lives. Such early actions provide assistance to people at risk and help them take action to protect their families and livelihoods. This can include, for instance, providing veterinary kits, tying down house roofs, providing food and clean water, as well as transferring cash.
Financing mechanism
03The Forecast-based Action Fund is an ex-ante financing mechanism that automatically allocates funding once a forecast reaches a pre-agreed danger level; this enables the effective implementation of Early Actions.
These three components are summarised in an EAP. The EAP serves as a guideline for National Societies and partners which delineates roles and responsibilities for quick action.