
Icon for DRK and IFRC library

Zentrale Broschüren:

The Future of Forecast: Impact based Forecasting for Early Action 2020 (EN)

Standalone: Impact based Forecasting for Early Action 2020 (EN)

FbF – Ein neues Zeitalter in der Katastrophenhilfe

Forecast-based Action by the DREF (EN)

Forecast-based Financing: Bericht 2019

Factsheet Bangladesh (EN)

Factsheet Ecuador (EN)

Factsheet Kirgistan (EN)

Factsheet Mosambik (EN)

Factsheet Peru (EN)

Factsheet Philippinen (EN)

Factsheet Tadschikistan (EN)

Factsheet Vietnam (EN)

FbF Practinioners Manual (EN)

FbF Shelter Early Action Guidebook (EN)

Impact-based Forecasting Guide (EN)

FbF and Disaster Displacement: Acting Early to Reduce the Humanitarian Impacts of Displacement

  Connections between National Society PER and FbF

  FbF | An innovative approach

  FbF | A policy overview

  Closing the Gap

  Action Plan for Humanitarian Adaption to Climate Change

  Guideline for Climate Risk Analysis

  Forecast-based Financing: Bericht 2019

Forecast-based Action by the DREF

Practical Information on Forecast-based Financing by the DREF [EN]

Practical Information on Forecast-based Financing by the DREF [ES]

Practical Information on Forecast-based Financing by the DREF [FR]

Practical Information on Forecast-based Financing by the DREF [PG]

Kirgistan | Herzenswärme und Winterkälte

Mozambique | Financiamento baseado em previsão (PT)

Peru | Poster Activation Mechanism (EN/ES)

Peru | Poster Dashboard (ES)

Peru | Cold waves and snowfall (EN/ES)

Peru | Early Warning to Early Action (EN/ES)

Peru | El Niño in Peru (EN/ES)

Peru | Flooding in Iquitos (EN/ES)

Peru | Infographic on FbF for El Niño Flooding (EN/ES)

Philippines | Typhoon Early Action Protocol – Pocket version for PRC chapters (EN)

Philippines | FbF Briefer 1 (EN)

Philippines | FbF Briefer 2 (EN)

Togo and Uganda | Case Studies FbF [2019] (EN)

Togo | FbF and FUNES in Togo (EN)

Vietnam | „FbF-Ready“: FbF and heatwaves (EN/VI)

Vietnam | Urban FbF (EN/VI)

Vietnam | Introduction FbF Project Design (EN/VI)

Vietnam | Launching FbF Workshop (EN/VI)

Vietnam | Heatwaves-Leaflet (EN/VI)

Vietnam | Update #1: FbF-ready (EN/VI)

Vietnam | Update #2: Urban FbF (EN/VI)

Vietnam | Update #3: Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices (EN)

Vietnam | Update #4: Impact-Forecast Mapping (EN)

Vietnam | Update #5: Early Actions Test (EN)

Vietnam | Update #6: Enhancing Early Actions (EN)

Dialogplattform VII (November 2019)

 Dialogplattform VI (September 2018)

 Dialogplattform V (Oktober 2017)

 Dialogueplattform IV (Dezember 2016)

 Dialogue Platform III (July 2016) – Part II

 Dialogue Platform III (July 2016) – Part I

 Dialogue Platform II (December 2015)

 Dialogue Platform I (July 2015)

Dialogplattform Afrika 2019

Dialogplattform Asien 2019

Dialoglattform Lateinamerika 2018

Dialogplattform Asien 2018

Dialogplattform Afrika 2018

Dialogplattform Asien-Pazifik 2017

ODI working paper 553: Reducing flood impacts through forecast-based action (Kenya)

ODI working paper 551: Anticipatory humanitarian action: what role for the CERF?

ODI working paper 547: Scaling up early action (Bangladesh)

Pilot Experiences in Using Seamless Forecasts for Early Action: The „Ready-Set-Go!“ Approach in the Red Cross (Bazo et al., 2019, Sub-Seasonal to Seasonal Prediction)

Forecast-Based Financing and Climate Change Adaptation: Uganda Makes History Using Science to Prepare for Floods, (Jjemba et al., 2018, Resilience)

  FbF: climate science and timely funding of early actions in an anticipatory humanitarian system (Together We Stand, 2016)

  FbF: an approach for catalyzing humanitarian action based on extreme weather and climate forecasts (Coughlan de Perez et al., 2015, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences)

  Forecast-based Action (Stephens et al., 2015)

Early Warning Later Action (by ICHA)

Forecast Barriers (by ICHA)

Forecast-based Financing: Implementation in Kenya (by ICHA)

Integration Forecast-based Action (by ICHA)

Guidance Notes – A Report on FbA for Drought (by RCCC, British Red Cross, Croix-Rouge française

Decision Tree – Questions and Pathways to FbA for Drought (by RCCC, British Red Cross, Croix-Rouge française

FbA Triggers for Drought – Stylised and example Calendars (by RCCC, British Red Cross, Croix-Rouge française

SEADRIF Feasibility Study for National Societies – Philippines and Myanmar (by Climate Centre, IFRC and the World Bank)

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