Save-the-date for DP Mozambique

We are happy to share with you the Save the Date for the next Africa Regional Dialogue Platform on Forecast-based Financing.
The Platform will be held in Maputo, Mozambique from 2 – 4 April 2019. The Red Cross Day takes place one day prior to the Dialogue Platform on April 1st 2019.
As part of the German Federal Foreign Office’s Action Plan for the Humanitarian Adaptation to Climate Change, the objective of this Regional Dialogue Platform is to gather managers, experts and practitioners to exchange knowledge, experience and ideas in science, policy and practice that are essential to the advancement of early warning early action through Forecast-based Financing (FbF) in the Africa region. Since the first Dialogue Platform in 2015, a fast-growing number of FbF projects are currently being implemented worldwide, its methodology further developed, an extensive network of partnership forged and lessons learned collected. With this growing numbers of stakeholders involved, it is crucial to not only hold discussions on a global level, but to encourage cooperation and exchange on a regional level. This 2nd Africa Regional Dialogue Platform thus aims to further enhance the understanding of the FbF concept on a regional level, explore possible funding mechanism as well as discuss the methodology to implement the approach.
The invitation with agenda and logistical details will be send out by in the first half of February.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Greta Aubke ( For more information on FbF and the report of the last Africa Regional Dialogue Platform, please have a look at the other Dialogue Platforms.
We are looking forward to welcoming you in Maputo in April!
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